Diabetes happens when your body does not make enough insulin or cannot use insulin properly. Insulin is a hormone. It controls how much sugar is in your blood. A high level of sugar in your blood can cause damage to the very small blood vessels in your kidneys. Over time, this can lead to kidney disease and kidney failure.
Healthy kidneys do many important jobs. They filter your blood, keep fluids in balance, and make hormones that help your body control blood pressure, have healthy bones, and make red blood cells. If you have kidney failure, it means your kidneys have stopped working well enough to do these important jobs and keep you alive. As a result:
Harmful wastes build up in your body
Your blood pressure may rise
Your body may hold too much fluid
Your body cannot make enough red blood cells
When this happens, you need treatment to replace the work of your failed kidneys. There is no cure for kidney failure. A person with kidney failure needs treatment to live.
Can a person with diabetes have a kidney transplant?
Yes. If you get a new kidney, you may need a higher dose of insulin or hypoglycemic pills (to lower blood sugar level). This is because:
You will be eating more
Your new kidney will break down insulin better than your injured one
You will be using medicines to keep your body from rejecting your new kidney and these may react less well to the insulin.
If your transplanted kidney loses function, dialysis treatment can be started and you can wait for a new kidney.
More informations please email to: kidneyfailurecn@hotmail.com.
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